Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President of the Republic of Moldova and representatives of Superior Council of Magistracy had a discussion

Today in the seat of Superior Council of Magistracy President of the Republic of Moldova had a sincere and open discussion with magistrates about situation in the system of justice.

As President of the Republic of Moldova and guarantor of citizen’s rights and liberties, Igor Dodon recalled that all of our citizens, including business environment, want to feel safety and freedom, but justice has the key role in realization of this goals.

The head of state reiterated that justice is done in the name of the law, and the judges carry the responsibility of the whole society over the judicial act. At the same time, Igor Dodon stressed that the transformation of judges into a political instrument, used in the interest of a particular group or regime is an unacceptable practice in a democratic state.

Also, the President of the country has assured the magistrates that they will not be pressured and the relationship with legislative and executive powers must be based on the principle of collaboration, as the Superior Council of Magistracy being the only party empowered to change the situation in the branch. In the context, the head of the State reiterated that the appointment of the new members of the Constitutional Court in a transparent, fair and operative process will be a first step in this direction.

Igor Dodon expressed firm conviction that there are honest and integral judges, which leads him to believe that the judiciary is capable of coping all our existing challenges, and our society and development partners awaits real reforms and changes for the better.