Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President met with representatives of the Swiss government

Igor Dodon held an official meeting with representatives of the Swiss government, who are on a visit to the Republic of Moldova during April 16-18. The sides discussed a new Strategy for Cooperation between Switzerland and the Republic of Moldova for 2018-2021, developed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), on the basis of which Switzerland will provide technical assistance to the Republic of Moldova in the amount of 50.9 million Swiss francs.

The Head of State noted that the main areas in which Swiss funds were to be invested related to local government, health, economic development and employment, cultural projects, etc.

"I thanked the Swiss Government for the substantial technical assistance rendered to the Republic of Moldova, and also expressed gratitude to our Swiss partners for their contribution to the social and economic development of our country.

I noted that this Strategy was very important for the Republic of Moldova, and assured in my readiness to support and promote its implementation in our country.

At the same time, I expressed interest in the rich practice of Switzerland in preserving the neutral international status. In this context, I informed my Swiss colleagues about the intention to organize an international conference in July in Chisinau at the level of experts on neutrality. I was also honored to invite Swiss experts to this event," Igor Dodon said after the meeting.