Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu met with Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, met today with Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, who together with His Royal Highness Prince Radu is visiting Chisinau.

The Head of State and Her Majesty spoke about Moldovan-Romanian relations, but also about the challenging situation in the Republic of Moldova and the whole region. President Maia Sandu also thanked Romania for the generous support offered to help us withstand the current crises.

"I also expressed my gratitude for the involvement of the Royal House of Romania in promoting our Euro-integration aspirations in the European capitals. We felt this involvement when we obtained the status of candidate country to the EU and we count on further support of the Royal House for our next steps towards accession. European integration is our chance to remain part of the free world", President Maia Sandu stressed during the discussions.

The Head of State also spoke with Her Majesty Margareta about projects in the fields of education, health and social affairs supported by the Royal House of Romania, and appreciated Her Majesty's openness to promote investments and strengthen bilateral economic relations. "I firmly believe that these virtual bridges will be joined by real bridges that we will build across the Prut river, bringing our countries and citizens closer", President Maia Sandu added.