Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu at the meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis: "Today, more than ever, we feel Romania's strong support"

Moldovan President Maia Sandu was on a working visit to Bucharest at the invitation of Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

"I gladly accepted the invitation of President Klaus Iohannis to come to Bucharest and talk about our excellent relations and joint projects. A year has passed since our countries have been at the border of a cruel and unjust war, which we condemned from day one. Today, more than ever, we feel Romania's strong support for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, for peace, well-being, and our European future", said the head of state.

On behalf of all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, President Maia Sandu thanked her counterpart in Bucharest for the prompt reaction and generous help offered by Romania every time we found ourselves in difficulties and crises, as was the case with the energy blackmail we just went through.

"In 2023, our priority is to rebuild the economy, continue reforms, and strengthen state security. Romania remains the main market for Moldovan products, but I know that we can be even more present in the Romanian market. We want to attract more Romanian investments in Moldova", stressed the head of state.

At the same time, the leader from Chisinau said that the started projects will be continued: "We will continue the implementation of joint infrastructure and energy interconnection projects, we will also extend the projects we have in the fields of education, culture, local development, and environmental protection. With Romania's support, alongside the support of other international partners, Moldova is ready to confidently move forward", concluded President Maia Sandu.