Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu spoke at the Munich Security Conference about Moldova’s efforts to fight corruption and the investment opportunities offered by our country

The President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu is currently participating in the Munich Security Conference, a global platform for discussions on international security issues, which brings together heads of state and government, opinion leaders and entrepreneurs.

During a panel discussion on migration and international security, the Head of State spoke about the effects of this phenomenon on our country and the region. "So far, corruption and bad governance have driven people out of Moldova, weakening the state and creating security problems. These problems can only be overcome if the government works for the citizens and seeks solutions to provide a better living for the people in the country, and for those who have left - the chance to return home," the President said.

Also today in Munich, the President discussed with a group of foreign investors interested in the economic opportunities offered by our country at a round table hosted by the Angermayer Forum for Policy and Innovation. "I confirmed to my interlocutors that, after several years of uncertainty, Moldova is back on the path of reforms and is ready for foreign investments, which will create new jobs and will increase the welfare of our citizens. At the same time, the government wants to become a reliable partner for entrepreneurs, with encouraging policies and simple and clear rules for business", said President Maia Sandu.

At the Munich Security Conference, the President of the Republic of Moldova spoke to a number of European and international dignitaries and experts about the efforts of the Moldovan authorities to fight corruption, underlying that it hinders our internal development. In her speech, the Head of State also referred to the expectations our country has of its external partners in this process. "The help of other states and the contribution of international organizations in the fight against money laundering and organized crime will help us punish the corrupt in Moldova and stop the illegal flow of state wealth to other jurisdictions," President Maia Sandu added.