Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Igor Dodon met with the member of the Eurasian Economic Commission Tatiana Valovaia

President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon met with the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission Tatiana Valovaia, who arrived Moldova to attend the meeting of the working group on interaction between the Eurasian Economic Commission and our country.

"I welcomed Tatiana Valovaia's visit to Moldova and noted that we would continue to work together as it was planned," the Head of State said.

Igor Dodon noted that in April the year will come from the day of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Eurasian Economic Commission signing.

"I expressed hope that next year the observer status of Moldova under the Eurasian Economic Union will be approved. I thanked the Eurasian Economic Commission for the support rendered to Moldova in this process," Dodon said.

The Head of State also stressed that in June 2018 a large-scale international conference will be held, at which a detailed analysis of the results and prospects of cooperation with the European Union will be presented. Information on the directions and potential of Moldova's cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union will also be presented.