Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president presents presidential advisers team

President Igor Dodon today presented presidential advisers at a briefing.

The president said he had signed decrees on structure of councilors which entered into force today. “I signed a decree changing some names of advisers, for example, political adviser will be also spokesman, counselor in education, culture and research, foreign policy adviser will be just in this area, and I added a counselor in relations with diaspora”.

Moldovan President advisors team is made up of the following persons:

Ruslan Flocea – Secretary General of Presidential Apparatus

Ion Ceban – political adviser and spokesman

Maxim Lebedinschi – counselor in legal and institutional relations, representative of President in relations with parliament and government

Elena Gorelova – adviser in economy

Corneliu Popovici- counselor in education, culture and research

Ion Perju – counselor in agribusiness and public administration

Vasile Șova – advisor on reintegration

Andrei Neguța – foreign policy adviser

At the same time, Dodon said the diaspora should be represented in the president’s team, and he appealed to Diaspora representatives: “Who is available to work in the president’s team, of those people who are in Diaspora now, I invite you to send CVs in order to have the opportunity to work in the presidential team,” Dodon said.

At the end of the briefing, Dodon announced that this week, more meetings with the government and other institutions would be organized to consider various issues in social and economic sectors of great importance for the state.