Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Igor Dodon had a meeting with Russian Ambassador

The President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon had a meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in our country Oleg Vasnetsov.

The sides shared views on the development of bilateral relations and implementation of agreements reached earlier with the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The head of state thanked the Russian side for support in resolving the problem of exporting of the Moldovan goods to the Russian market in transit through the territory of Ukraine and expressed satisfaction that dozens of economic agents had already delivered their products without paying customs duties. “This will contribute to an increase in trade between Moldova and Russia soon”, mentioned Igor Dodon.

Also, Igor Dodon and Oleg Vasnetsov discussed the technical assistance provided by the Russian Federation for our country. Thus, the parties agreed that in the coming days a representative of the Presidential Administration of Moldova would travel to Russia to ensure the delivery of KAMAZ trucks to Moldova in the near future