Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Message of the President Maia Sandu at the European People's Party's Congress

Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for the opportunity to address this distinguished EPP forum. And thank you, Partidul Național Liberal, and EPP President Manfred Weber for hosting us today.

We have gathered here at a momentous turning point.

Freedom and  liberal democracy in all of Europe is under grave assault. Russia’s unprovoked, rapacious aggression against Ukraine seeks to return the international arena to its old cynical geopolitical playbook.

We all have no doubt that despite the challenges, a community of democracies which deeply value individual freedoms, human rights, competitive elections and open society is the best foundation for a more just, peaceful and prosperous world.

Today, more than ever, we need courage, leadership and unity of purpose to protect free societies and repel aggression against all of us.

History has shown that aggression will not go away if we turn away. Aggression always returns unless it is stopped, much uglier and with more outrageous designs. Now is not the time for narrow self-interest. Now is the time to be generous. Now is the time to be idealistic. Now is the time to stand up for what we all truly believe in – democracy, the freedom of choice, peace. 


Ladies and gentlemen,

In Ukraine, Europe's security is on the line. It's not a time for doubt – Ukraine needs full support from all free European nations. There is no task more urgent than supporting Ukraine and securing peace.

Next door to Ukraine is Moldova. What happens in Ukraine will shape Moldova’s future for decades to come. Russia wants to carve Moldova into its sphere of influence, without regard for human rights, freedom of speech or assembly, with no free elections.

Russia believes that it does not need to ask smaller countries like us what we really want. To Russia, the people of Moldova have no say in their geopolitical designs. We are seen as lines on the map.

But the Moldovan people have chosen a different path. Today, Moldova is not ON the table, as Russia desired; instead, Moldova is AT the table. Our people have made a sovereign and conscious choice not to be forcefully consigned to Russia’s sphere of influence again.

It is our firm choice to live free in democracy, not under oppression and fear. Today more than ever, we need your firm and credible support for this choice.

Dear friends in the EPP,

The EPP has always been the strongest, most committed, most reliable supporter of Moldova’s European integration. You supported us in the past in our fight against oligarchy, state capture and corruption. Today, in the face of aggression, we count on you on our journey into the EU. I appreciate the leadership and the support we received by Ursula von der Leyen, Roberta Metsola and many friends here.

Dear friends in the EPP,

Never has been our common responsibility and leadership in Europe more important than in times of crisis. Together we shall rise to the challenge. Together we shall build a larger, stronger union. United we stand.