Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The head of state spoke with the Ambassador of Ukraine, Marko Shevchenko, in the context of marking one year since the Russian invasion

Today, when we commemorate one year since the beginning of Russia's war against Ukraine, the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, had a meeting with the Ambassador of Ukraine in Chisinau, Marko Şevcenko. The head of state sent her condolences to all those who lost their loved ones in this unjustified war. Ukrainians have all our admiration for the courage with which they defend their homeland, defend us and defend the entire European continent in the face of Russian aggression.

President Maia Sandu assured Ambassador Shevchenko that we continue to be with the Ukrainian people in this fight for democracy and freedom. In their dialogue, the interlocutors mentioned that today we are also forced to fight propaganda and misinformation and that we must not be deceived and manipulated by those who justify this war. Efforts will be made to ensure that the truth is known. They discussed as well security challenges and how things could evolve in the coming months.

Tonight, starting at 7:00 PM, the lighting of the Presidency building will be disconnected, together with the buildings of the Parliament and the Government. We thus join the European campaign #LightUpUkraine through which we express our solidarity with Ukraine. Слава Україні!