Moldovan president meets Romanian premier

President Nicolae Timofti had a bilateral meeting with Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos in Sofia, Bulgaria, today.   

The meeting took place in the context of a summit of the heads of state and government of the South-East European Cooperation Process, held in Bulgaria.  

The discussions were focused on the Moldovan-Romanian bilateral relations, as well as on the situation in the region. The head of state appreciated the good cooperation and continuous support on behalf of Romania, Moldova was benefitting from.  

”In Moldova, the government undertakes important measures for promotion of reforms, stabilization of the financial situation, improving the business climate and regaining the confidence of the citizens and development partners,” Nicolae Timofti said.  

Dacian Ciolos said it was important that the reforms, especially the ones as regards the fighting corruption and improving the business environment, be implemented as a priority in Moldova. Ciolos noted that Romania was keeping a close eye on the evolution of the events in Moldova, tackling the subject also with other foreign partners, such as the United States, European Union, International Monetary Fund, etc.   

The Romanian prime minister also said that the positive changes in Moldova directly contributed to the upgrading of external appreciations, as well as to the practical advancement in providing the financial assistance agreed upon for Moldova.  

Also, Prime Minister Ciolos reiterated the continuation of the support on behalf of Romania also for other projects underway in Moldova, including for local authorities.