Igor Dodon: Relations between the branches of the government of Moldova and Russia will improve after the parliamentary elections

The Head of the Moldovan state said at a meeting with the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin that Moldova and Russia needed to improve relations at the level of parliament and government.

"I expressed my gratitude to Mr. Volodin for his efforts in developing inter-parliamentary relations between our countries and noted that between Moldova and Russia over the past year and a half, good relations have developed at the level of heads of state and regions. Now it is necessary to work to improve our relations at the inter-parliamentary and intergovernmental level," the Moldovan President said.

"In this context, I informed that the Republic of Moldova received the observer status in the Eurasian Economic Union. This gives us the opportunity to interact more actively with the EAEU, its coordinating structures and all the states that are part of this association.

I expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Russian Federation headed by President Vladimir Putin for a wise and genuinely friendly policy towards Moldova. Thanks to the agreements reached, we managed to stop the decline in commodity circulation between our countries. If last year the trade turnover grew by 10%, this year already 25%, which is certainly a positive sign.

Last year we held a meeting of the Moldova-Russia interparliamentary friendship group, but, unfortunately, only the deputies from one faction-the Party of Socialists -were present from the Moldovan side. There is an agreement to hold a similar meeting this year.

I invited a representative of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to participate in the World Family Congress, which will be held in Chisinau in September. I received confirmation that the State Duma delegates a Deputy Chairman to this authoritative international forum.

At the end of the meeting, we spoke in favor of the comprehensive strengthening and expansion of cooperation between Moldova and Russia for the benefit of our peoples," the Head of State noted after the meeting.