The perspective of the Moldovan-Japanese partnership for development was discussed by the Head of State with the leadership of the Japan International Cooperation Agency

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, met today with a delegation from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), led by its President, Akihiko Tanaka. The discussion focused on the current projects which are implemented with the support of JICA in our country and the prospects for expanding Moldovan-Japanese cooperation.

The Head of State thanked Japan for the generous support it has provided to our country over the last three decades in key areas, such as: agriculture, health and environmental protection and said that Moldovan authorities wish to continue the development projects. President Maia Sandu mentioned the importance of Japanese assistance for the forest resource management and said that she counts on cooperation with JICA also in implementing the country's reforestation programme in order to respond more effectively to climate challenges and develop a resilient agriculture. The head of state also appreciated Japan's humanitarian support to help Ukrainian refugees.

JICA representatives commended the authorities' efforts to modernise our country and mentioned that the expansion of the development cooperation is a priority. Institutional capacity building and educational programmes, especially the study of the Japanese language, are among the new areas of interest.