Moldovan president attends events dedicated to 25th anniversary of Sovereignty Declaration's adoption

President Nicolae Timofti today participated in events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Moldova.

In his speech, Timofti said that, by the document's adoption, for the first time ever, guarantees had been given to all citizens, political parties, public organisations, mass movements and religious organisations, equal legal chances were provided to participate in  state management and public affairs.

"I reread the Declaration of Sovereignty and I found there provisions that not only have not lost their up-to-dateness, but also represent an absolute priority at present as well. They are so clear and relevant, as if they were written today.

Our people and the state Republic of Moldova are presently in the situation to claim their right to exercise sovereignty all over the country.

We will be closer to achieving this national ideal, this holy desideratum, as we will anchor more and more in European space, where individual and national rights are guaranteed and observed, both by institutions and people," he said.

MPs of the Supreme Soviet of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic unanimously proclaimed the country's sovereignty 25 years ago. The document was at the basis of the Declaration of Independence and working out of the first Constitution.