Moldovan president chairs meeting with representatives of farmers, experts in sector

President Igor Dodon has chaired a working meeting with representatives of farmers and experts in the field.

The participants in the meeting discussed more subjects and problems faced by agricultural producers at present, in particular, as regards the land relations and the legislative regulations in the sector.

The participants were unanimous in the opinion that the Land Code approved in 1991, with all amendments made in the last 25 years, no longer coped with the realities and this drags the development of the land relations and the efficient turning to account of farmlands – the main wealth of Moldova.

Representatives of the farmers and experts in the sector ruled to create a working group within the Economic Council under the Moldovan President, due to elaborate a new Land Code that would cope with the social and economic challenges from Moldova. After the new draft Land Code is given the final touches, it will be subjected to public discussions with the participation of the civil society, representatives of all associations of farmers from Moldova.