Moldovan president meets Russian pediatrician

President Igor Dodon today met Head of National Medical Chamber of Russia Leonid Roshal and Valery Mitish, Director of the Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology of the Moscow Health Department.

The sides approached many issues related to the health cooperation and medical system development in the country.

Dodon thanked Roshal for the constant support provided to Moldovan children in the clinic in Moscow.

The sides agreed on exchanging experience between healthcare workers from both states, as well as on organizing free training courses of health professionals, which will be attracted by physicians from all regions of the country, with the support of partners from Moscow. Also, they agreed on the need to increase in assistance and number of children who will benefit from treatment.

Dodon informed Roshal about his intention to launch a presidential programme, based on the economic-social development programme, a component part of which should be related to equipping medical institutions with necessary surgical apparatus, especially, for children.

At the end of the meeting, the sides agreed to boost the cooperation in future at level of state institutions and of professional ones.

It is worth mentioning that Roshal is an eminent pediatrician, specialist in general surgery and founder of the famous baby clinics Roshal in Moscow. He is a member of the council under Russian President, expert of World Health Organisation, member of the executive board of the Pediatricians of Russia, member of the British Association of Pediatric Surgery, chairman of International Charity Foundation to help children in disasters and wars. Over the past years, he was concerned about studying and finding solutions in abdominal surgery and new trends in traumatology and neurosurgery. He is author and coauthor of over 250 scientific publications, including 7 monographs and guides, and various methodological recommendations.