Moldovan president participates in parliament's foundation meeting

President Nicolae Timofti today participated in the foundation meeting of the parliament elected at the 30 November polls.

The head of state gave the following speech before the MPs:

"Distinguished Members of Parliament,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I congratulate you on the confidence the citizens have given you to represent them in the country's legislative body. Moldova is a democratic state and it is natural that parties with different agendas and distinct views on the way of the country's development made it to the parliament.

Yet, and you will agree with me, the national interest is above the parties. I would like this principle to prevail in this legislative period, which starts today, by constructive approaches, through consensus between the parliamentary majority and opposition, on issues of national importance, such as, for instance, the Transnistrian conflict.    

The citizens must feel that the act of exercising the power is made in their name and for them. The parliament's work should show an equal attitude for all people.

You have enough political experience and professionalism to fulfill all these desiderata.The analysis of good things, as well as of the mistakes is important. You are to identify the optimum  political formulas, which are to lead to the continuation of the programme on Moldova's modernisation.

The way the state's institutions will work and the paces in which the corruption will be removed from the system depends on your activity.  The evolution in the economy and other vital sectors will depend on the government you are going to vote.

Moldova passes though an extremely responsible period, taking into account the domestic and regional political context. The reforms must be continued. The modernisation processes should be sped up, so that our country gets closer to the democratic and living standards of the European Union.

On this period, we need solidarity more than ever, in order to edify the future together. I took note of the will of the citizens, people's opinions, which are diverse, but not divergent. To this end, the energies from the society must be collected and turned to account. The civil society may held up in this respect.   

Just as so far, you will have a supporter of all the good and useful enterprises for people in the person of the president. 

Let me thank the former component of the parliament, that worked in difficult conditions, and managed to promote laws and sets of important laws for the society and the country's European integration. 

I would like to stress just several notable legislative acts: ratification of the Association Agreement, laws aiming at the justice reform and testing the integrity of state officials, Education Code, and so on. Yet, the most important thing the former component of the parliament achieved is that it had brought the country closer to Europe. 

In continuation, without anticipating the agenda you are to establish for the mandate of the present parliament, I draw your attention to the need to modernise the Constitution or even adopt a new Fundamental Law. 

Modern and fair formulas on the procedure of election of the head of state, Prosecution etc., due to meet the imperatives of the time we live, should be contained in the new text.  

The people expects laws concerning positive developments in the healthcare system, agriculture, social insurances, launch of programmes due to reduce the inequality and disproportion of chances persisting in our country.  

Everybody have a lot to do and it is in our power to manage to lead Moldova further, among the civilized countries.  

Good luck! May God help us!"